There are several ways to get involved. Gather friends, co-workers or a group and adopt a family- then do the shopping yo from a list of wants/needs. Or adopt a single person & shop for their 3 wants or needs. If you are interested in purchasing a single gift see our Amazon Holiday list below. If you have a local business you can also be a drop-off location for donations from individuals


    Maybe you want to get involved but you do not have an extra minute to spare or shopping isn’t your thing. You can also donate using the link below or via Venmo @CNECares - just designate ‘holiday gifts’ in the notes. We’ll take care of the shopping on your behalf!


    If time is what you have to give - we will need volunteers to sort, organize, prep & shop for gifts. As well as wrap & distribute the week before Christmas. If you are interested in volunteering please signup using the link below.


    If you want to help quickly & easily, purchase a gift from our Amazon gift registry.